the adventure of breath


When through breathing we can let go, release, discharge tensions from the past that are reflected in our physical and mental body, we experience the natural flow of our vital energy.

This is how we can access a deeper connection with our changing feelings, emotions and sensations that live in our body.

Expanding ourselves and learning to trust our breathing again will help us discover our true nature. We will feel rooted again and in a more intimate relationship with ourselves, with others and with life.

In this workshop we will use different breath methods learning to breathe through our mental inhibitions and old believes, opening the gates where body, mind, and emotions harmonize in a beautiful synchrony.

In this magical interplay, we unlock new dimensions, infusing the dance of life with rhythm, grace and playful daring of unexpected possibilities.

start: Tuesday, 10.00 am
info & registration: groupoffice(at)oshomiasto(dot)it

Weitere Termine:

primal breath primal breath
16. – 19. may 24 miasto (I)

Osho Diamond Breath training Osho Diamond Breath training
7. - 29. june 24, miasto (I)

ODB training 1 – breathing into a new life ODB training 1 – breathing into a new life
7. – 14. june 24, miasto (I)

ODB training 2 - born in love ODB training 2 - born in love
16. – 22. june 24, miasto (I)



zoom event: abenteuer atem

8. mai 24, online über zoom

primal breath

16. - 19. mai 24, miasto (I)

heilung der wurzeln

24. – 26. mai 24, wien (A)

ODB training 1 – ins leben atmen

26. mai - 2. juni 24, fethiye (TR)

vollblutfrauen teil III

30. mai – 2. juni 24, reichenau/rax (A)


Die Welt anzuhalten, das ist die ganze Kunst des Meditierens.