primal breath

‚Primal Breath’ is a journey into liberating ourselves from the wounds and conditionings of early life and childhood. It is a master key to get in touch with the reality and the natural intelligence of your body, the power of the cheerful, delicate and daring childlike being within us.

 This healing ‚Primal Breath’ a deep connected breath, enables us to travel back in time within our body opening up and gently letting go of old traumas.  Safely and playfully, we can release old buried pain, fear, anger, sadness and guilt and  uncover our deepest connection with live again.

The three days will support you to consciously re-owning the qualities of the child with it’s tremendous juice for life, a resource which is still inside waiting be be uncovered and lived again

In the 5 days (in the following 2 days?) there is a chance to also look more deeply at the individual issues of abuse, shock and the rejection of our elementary needs for love and emotional safety which in the child have left deep traumtic tracks. We will understand the protective pattern of our personality and realizing that it is time to stop sabotaging ourselves, constantly feeling rejected or misunderstood. Instead we learn to dare opening our hearts for ourselves again and taking the risk to move towards loving intimacy with others too.

Osho Miasto Italy

Weitere Termine:

Osho Diamond Breath training Osho Diamond Breath training
7. - 29. june 24, miasto (I)

ODB training 2 - born in love ODB training 2 - born in love
16. – 22. june 24, miasto (I)

ODB training 3 - three keys of consciousness ODB training 3 - three keys of consciousness
24. - 29. June 24, miasto (I)

the adventure of breath the adventure of breath
6. - 10. aug. 24, miasto (I)



zoom event: abenteuer atem

8. mai 24, online über zoom

primal breath

16. - 19. mai 24, miasto (I)

heilung der wurzeln

24. – 26. mai 24, wien (A)

ODB training 1 – ins leben atmen

26. mai - 2. juni 24, fethiye (TR)

vollblutfrauen teil III

30. mai – 2. juni 24, reichenau/rax (A)


Liebe hat die gleich Beziehung zur Seele wie Atmen zum Körper.