from body type to original being 2

Training in self-discovery as well as a learning process for people working with people

An exploration of relating patterns of the different body types to find creative solutions for the conflicts in life relating

Who with whom and how … that is the big question in relating.

It is a great advantage to understand our own body type and its relating traps we sometimes fall into so easily and unconsciously.

Once you know your body type and personality fixation many of the relating conflicts appear in a totally different light.

Rooted in the understanding of our own functioning we can develop a good sense of self humour, find creative solutions and have compassion for the traps of others.

How can a need type cope with a control type person? Is this a good fit or will it end in a disaster? One of the disasters we might have already faced at some earlier time in our lives.

Is there a chance between a contact type and a love-sex type or should both of them better work on serious therapy first?


Through playful confrontation and deep personal work we can explore the story of body type relating and go beyond these patterns.



This process will create a deep understanding of how each body type functions in relating. A step by step learning to be flexible in using defence strategies when needed and risking vulnerability and intimacy when possible.

We develop skills in energy work, breathing, Gestalt, counselling and meditation methods

info & registration: prempragita(at)gmail(dot)com

Weitere Termine:

ODB training 3 - three keys of consciousness ODB training 3 - three keys of consciousness
20. – 27. oct. 24, fethiye (TR)

ODB training 2 – born in love ODB training 2 – born in love
2. – 9. dec. 24, elontuli (FI)

beyond family trauma beyond family trauma
8. – 11. may 25, (B)

beyond family trauma beyond family trauma
30. oct. – 2. nov. 25, aumm institute (NL)



zoom event: abenteuer atem

8. mai 24, online über zoom

primal breath

16. - 19. mai 24, miasto (I)

heilung der wurzeln

24. – 26. mai 24, wien (A)

ODB training 1 – ins leben atmen

26. mai - 2. juni 24, fethiye (TR)

vollblutfrauen teil III

30. mai – 2. juni 24, reichenau/rax (A)


In diesem Augenblick zu leben ist Meditation; einfach hier – jetzt sein ist Meditation.