female creative essence

A process of exploring the difference of female conditioning that we carry from our mothers and grandmothers and the essential creative force we can live in our own female spirit and body.

Every woman has the potential, a vibrant creative physical force to give birth.

Our uterus is the physical, ‘power spot ‘ of female creativity. Giving birth, being part of the creation of live is our biological purpose. But now we have the freedom to decide if having children, being wives and mothers is the only way we want to live our life as a woman. Life has changed in many dimensions also around Relationship, marriage, sexuality and having children.

Women now have the possibility to choose more freely if we want to find new ways to be creative and fulfilled. In every woman is this creative and original force available but for the first time we have today the freedom to decide how to use this beautiful female force in us.

This new female self-understanding and awareness needs a deep confrontation with the mother and the unconscious bonding to the female ancestors. We cannot fully reach to this female energy without a deep look at the relationship we have with our mother and the time she has been living in.

The connection to our own mother as the first female role model in our lives influences all subsequent relationships with women, children, and also with men. The key messages concerning womanhood, self-esteem, body and sexuality we already have absorbed in the womb "through the umbilical cord."

To find the fullness of our feminine power, it needs a Yes to the mother and the life she has given us. The life force of giving birth connects us with her and all women. When we can say yes to this female life force that connects all woman we also open up for letting go of everything old we unconsciously and unnecessarily have been holding for our mother and the women in the past.

In this group, together with other women we go through a birth process and renew our female roots with life. Energy and breath work brings you into contact with the immense power that the female body is activated in the birth process.

Family constellation elements help identify and solve what we hold and carry for the mother and the ancestors. Through active and guided meditations the inner space opens so you can relax into deeper levels of your female essence.

start: 08.30 pm

costs: € 390,-

location: Osho Uta,
Venloer Str. 5-7, 50672 Cologne, Germany

book here online

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