second module of systemic constellation training

In this module we will understand and experience principles of healthy relating.

We will explore the man - woman relationship and what hinders or helps the love to flow between partners. Sometimes this requires from us to look at our original family and clarify the role we took over as a child.

Sometimes we need to connect more deeply to one of our parents in order to be connected to 'maleness' or 'femaleness'. In other times we have to complete something with an earlier partner, so that we are free and available for a new relationship.

Special in these times where relationships can change quite often and patch work family come into being it is important that the personal entanglement gets cleared (in order not to burden the children more then necessary.) because otherwise the children keep caring the burden of the parents and are not free for there own life.


All this can become visible in a constellation and when hidden and unspoken situations come into light, frozen feeling can flow again and often-surprising new solutions emerge. Experiencing systemic order from within brings a total different understanding of relating and relationships. These clear insights make more conscious, responsible and satisfying relationships possible.


zoom event: abenteuer atem

8. mai 24, online über zoom

primal breath

16. - 19. mai 24, miasto (I)

heilung der wurzeln

24. – 26. mai 24, wien (A)

ODB training 1 – ins leben atmen

26. mai - 2. juni 24, fethiye (TR)

vollblutfrauen teil III

30. mai – 2. juni 24, reichenau/rax (A)


Und im Augenblick zu leben heißt, in der Ewigkeit leben.