www.dwari-lifeskills.net »lifeskills »courage to love

courage to love

You don’t know inside who you are and you haven’t learned what it means to love yourselvf. So you hope somebody else will give you the love you want and need so much.

But only when you start accepting and loving yourself as the man or the woman you are, you will be able to explore your real life energy. Then you can drop the old games and move into a new freedom. The secret can open again: You get in touch with your vital energy, expressing it in a clear and playful way - knowing that it is your basic energy in which you can trust and let go.

Finally your heart will find a new language of love and closeness, relating relaxedly with others and creating a deeper intimacy.


primal breath

16. – 19. may 24 miasto (I)

healing the roots

24. – 26. may 24, vienna (A)

ODB training 1 – breathing into a new life

26. may - 2. June 24, fethiye (TR)

female creative essence module 3

30. may – 2. June 24, reichenau (A)

Osho Diamond Breath training

7. - 29. june 24, miasto (I)


Just relax!